Saturday, June 27, 2009


Summer Vacation. The end of school, or whatever you do before summer, time to sleep in, stay up, party, hang out, do adventurous things. The 2 or 3 months, of freedom, before going back to usual routine, but hopefully, your one step up from a couple months ago. Grade 10... Hmmm, that should be fun.

Monday, June 22, 2009


The last days of school before the summer vacation, exams, people fretting on whether they passed or not, saying goodbyes and farewells to friends your certain your not going to see during the summer, for a fact. You look back on the year passed, thinking how its gone so slow, and you've done so much, or so little, in some cases, and now it's just, over, time for new beginnings, the next couple of months makes you who you're gonna be in the new year, or it just lets you stay the same. But whatever floats your boat, summer is great. 

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Ah, Prom Day. Such a wonderful day. Giddy with dressing up, going out, all that... what's the word... Jazz. Missing PhysEd because of prom committee setting up in the gym,Thank God. But, thats all to write today, as I, go get ready myself, but I'm not too too giddy about it.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Sleepy. Tired. Slow. Deprived. Those are all words to describe myself right now. I try the going to bed early, but it doesn't work, there's always something to do. So today, I'm getting back into my bad habits, going to school, sleeping after school, not waking up when my mom tries, goin' til about 8 or 9, then being like, What The Crap! I have so much to do. Then I suffer at school for my mistake. But soon that will be over, school I mean, then all the time in the world to sleep will be mine. hah. But any-who, I'm to tired to write about a subject or word like my last 3 posts. So I wrote about being sleepy. I guess it's the same thing. 

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Selfishness... That's a great subject, there's so much of it in the world, you could only think of a couple, to hundreds of examples. But, then thats when people hit the fact that they are hypocritical, like saying (as me), "They just never think that someone else may have wanted that cookie"... if I said that, what kind of person would I be. Everyone wants the last cookie, because the last cookie has to be eaten. You can't just leave the last of the cookies to go bad, you must be selfish and take it first, or someone else will. Everyone has to be selfish at a point in time, its inevitable, really. But its okay that way, but if you did it on purpose, like, someone gets something thats supposed to be shared, but doesn't share, thats selfish. Everyone must take the fish, or it will get to be too much.... I've trailed off. Dog eat Dog world. That's the way it is, people must just live with it. 

Monday, June 8, 2009


Fantastic, it is, to feel pain. That may sound weird, but it's true. Just think of it this way, if you go through life, not feeling pain, being hurt, then you don't develop that voice in your mind that tells you to be careful, to not be so careless. But to a person that has been hurt, they can think things through, so they don't make that same mistake again, that hurt them in the first place. So yes, that is my thought of the day, that you should be hurt once in your life, but still live, don't interpret it that way as to not do anything to get hurt, no skateboarding, biking, sports, relationships, adventure, etc. You'd end up on Dr. Phil if you did that "too scared to live" thing. 

Sunday, June 7, 2009


It's quite a magnificent thing, to be, or not to be, known. You could be popular, everyone knows and loves you, or not. You could be in the shadows, not known to many around you, hardly seen, hardly loved. Or you could simply just be, is that so hard? To just go through life not caring how many friends you have on facebook, or how many texts or calls you get everyday. Could it be that you just want to know love, friendship, good surroundings, but not really be aware of what you don't have, or if you are, not really care, because you still have what you have. This is what I think about when I look at those who waste their lives because they're too scared of making a spectacle of themselves, and when I look at those people who make the others scared to come out and be, because they are too intimidated. It makes me wonder why the world has come to this. It makes me wonder if anything will change, before its too late, before you have no more chances left. Before everything flashes, before your eyes.